Thursday, March 3, 2011

Clara (Twenty of Twenty)

All the ways to meet your secretary's new boyfriend, and I had to do it after he pulled 2 slugs outta me. I tried shaking Billy's hand, but couldn't lift mine. He told me I actually took 3 bullets, but he could only find 2 entry wounds. I told him the 3rd was from someone else. His eyes got big, he started asking me stupid questions. I could tell he wanted to hear more, but I mumbled Dara was safe, and she'd been safe the whole time. Passed out again.

Woke up to Clara holding my hand. Told her she looked good. She nearly cried when she tried to say I looked OK. I told her I looked this bad before all this started, and she started crying. Then she went full-on dame, slumping into me. When her head hit my bandages, I passed out.

Woke up to Mr. and Mrs. Wellington thanking me, telling me they had the medical bills covered, and they were throwing in a bonus. I was gonna get medical insurance for the rest of my life. I couldn't believe that they were willing to pay for a whole year's worth. It was my lucky day. So lucky, I passed out.

Woke up to Sgt. Miller, cap in hand. He asked why we kept meeting in hospitals. I told him he could hire me anytime. It set him off, and he went full-on dame on me. Called me a maverick, irresponsible, brash, all them high-falutin words you couldn't pay me to repeat. I closed my eyes, pretended to pass out. He kept talking, saying he wished I'd be more careful, that this wasn't gonna bring her back, then he left [When I read this while transcribing Trace's blog entry, I left the office and contacted Sgt. Miller. We talked for a bit, and then I inquired about who “she” was. He would only confirm that Trace missed her, and that it wasn't his place to tell me about her. Sgt. Miller said that when Trace was ready, he would talk to me about her. But it was what he didn't say that also proved interesting. Whoever this woman, this Joan, was, it was someone from Trace's far-flung past. Maybe even before boxing and bourbon had addled his mind, when he might have resembled an actual human being. -Dara]

Woke up to Dara. She told me that the small mousey guy was Darvin Timmons, metro engineer. They were gonna use the subway for the drop, and he was gonna get lost in the maintenance tunnels with it. Dara told them where Lissa was, but the cops only found my handcuffs, a safety pin sticking out of the open cuff.

What they told the cops, after Ryan left, Deke overpowered her. She only opened the door cause she thought it was Ryan coming back. They musta been watching her a while, maybe since he got out of prison. They said Lissa masterminded it, brought them together. Figures. We get the small fries, and the big fish gets away. Still, Clara was safe, and that counted for something.

Then Dara told me I owed her a new computer. I told her I'd buy her one if she taught me how to use it to knock people out.

I asked if she had any bourbon. She went full-on dame on me, telling me that we were in a hospital. No way I could even pretend to pass out with her screaming like that.

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