I figured what woulda happened, we'd somehow find C.K., I'd work out a deal with Sgt. Miller, we'd go get the guy and I'd split the bill with the city. Then, they'd figure out who hired the guy, or really, fail. Guys like that don't give up nothing.
Now, we jumped all that. Guy footing the bill, he was responsible for all this, and using us to cover his tracks. Someone probably said too much, or he was done fixing his family. Dara showed me the family tree. All the new people I heard of. All the old people, no clue who they were. It made perfect sense. My head still whanged like steel drums, but this was amazing. Problem was, what were we gonna do with it? No real evidence, just a good theory. And that theory and a dollar would get you a cup of coffee.
She said we should go to the cops. I laughed at that, and she got mad. Started yelling, went full-on dame on me. Don't get me wrong. Dara's great. Got a degree, knows computers, good with people, she'll live a better life than a slob like me. Problem is, she's still a kid, thinking everything works in the end, and it's a fairy tale life. It ain't. God almighty bless her heart, she's been here 6 years, still thinks that. I wasn't laughing at you, I'm sorry. [I accept your apology. -Dara]
Families pay off the cops. Only times the cops can do anything is when the families call for blood. We had to bring in C.K., nobody else. We tell them about this, we become targets. Well, not her, Don would keep her safe. Ain't no one gonna make Leggett Shipping angry in this town. No, I become a target. Like I said before, people want to tell their secrets. I wanted to sing, but I couldn't.
She looked at me like I kicked a puppy across the room. I told her we still got a nice payday out of it, but that didn't help. Why would it? To her, it's just peanuts. To me, it's real money.
She asked if we could keep looking for C.K. I said we'd be wasting our time, because even if we did find him, we'd all of a sudden end up in the mob's pocket.
That's when it hit me, we couldn't keep their dirty money.
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